The MT Track offers Students the opportunity to work with the top Musical Theatre Faculty across the nation and experience University Level MT Training. We are excited to announce our new MT Track for Rising Juniors. SUTE Up - Please contact us for more information and how to apply!

Audition Techniques - Kaitlin Hopkins, Texas State University

Audition Techniques - Kaitlin Hopkins, Texas State University

MT Students learn different Vocal Techniques and Styles and have the chance to perform potential audition material for feedback on song choice and delivery.


Vocal Health - Rebecca Karpoff, Syracuse University

Vocal Health - Rebecca Karpoff, Syracuse University

MT Students learn about the Importance of Vocal Health

Vocal Techniques - Catherine Walker, University of Michigan

Vocal Techniques - Catherine Walker, University of Michigan

Students experience the rigors of a University Level MT Dance Class And Movement.

Dance - Kirra Schmidt, Texas State

Dance - Kirra Schmidt, Texas State

Laban Movement - Lennie Leibowitz, Otterbein

Laban Movement - Lennie Leibowitz, Otterbein

Clowning - David Bridel, USC

Clowning - David Bridel, USC

One Voice Vocal Techniques - Michael Maresca, Texas State

One Voice Vocal Techniques - Michael Maresca, Texas State

Students learn the proper Audition Etiquette and the necessary requirements to prepare and how to relax before their auditions

Music and Audition Prep - Tracey Moore, Hartt

Music and Audition Prep - Tracey Moore, Hartt

Audition Prep - Jeremy Mann, UCLA

Audition Prep - Jeremy Mann, UCLA

Audition Package and Centering Techniques - JV Mercanti, Pace

Audition Package and Centering Techniques - JV Mercanti, Pace

Good Bad Stories and Monologue Prep - Barbara Mackenzie-Woods, CMU

Good Bad Stories and Monologue Prep - Barbara Mackenzie-Woods, CMU

Private Lesson With Gary Kline, Carnegie Mellon University

Private Lesson With Gary Kline, Carnegie Mellon University

Each MT student is offered the optional opportunity to work privately with Gary Kline, CMU, and discuss song selection ideas for their up coming College Auditions